The Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (ANENT) is a regional partnership, supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), for cooperation in capacity building, human resource development and knowledge management in nuclear science and technology. ANENT strives to promote, manage and preserve nuclear knowledge to ensure the continued availability of qualified human resources in the region for the sustainability of nuclear technology and to prepare newcomer countries to commence nuclear power programmes. The use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes in the Asian region will depend inter alia on its ability to meet the national socio economic needs and sustainable development goals.

This is especially important in view of the growing energy needs, and the need for improving the quality of life without enhancing the environmental burden. Critical to the development and wider use of nuclear technology in both power and non-power applications will be the availability of “soft infrastructure”, qualified human resource, information, knowledge, skills and experience.

Website Visits
Registered Members
Posted News


Ana Elena Conjares

Ana Elena Conjares


Philippine Nuclear Research

Institute (PNRI), Philippines

Phongphaeth Pengvanich

Phongphaeth Pengvanich


Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Yaser Kasesaz

Yaser Kasesaz


Atomic Energy Organization of Iran

Youngmi Nam

Youngmi Nam


Korea Atomic Energy Research

Institute (KAERI)

Youngmi Nam

Sudi Ariyanto


National Research and Innovation Agency

(BRIN), Indonesia

Mia Donovan

Rod Dowler


Australian Nuclear Science Technology Organization(ANSTO), Australia

Ana Elena Conjares

Xiaojing Guo


Tsinghua University, China


The Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (ANENT) is a regional partnership founded by the IAEA in 2004 for cooperation in capacity building, human resource development and knowledge management in nuclear science and technology. The objective is to promote, manage and preserve nuclear knowledge to ensure the continued availability of qualified human resources in the region for the sustainability of nuclear technology and to prepare newcomer countries to commence nuclear power programmes. The ANENT has currently twenty-one member countries in Asia and the Pacific region.

Here you can learn about the ANENT’s history and milestones that the network has achieved over the last ten years. It shows how the regional network expanded and the activities enhanced along with the progress of the five group activities and Technical Cooperation projects to support web-based activities.


The project progressed both under regular programme and IAEA TC framework, the ANENT membership has increased: China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam (2004), Australia (2005), Bangladesh, Lebanon, Syrian Arab Republic (2007), UAE (2009), Japan (2010), Jordan (2011) and recently Yemen (2012), and recently Iraq and Iran (2017) joined, so ANENT has twenty-one member countries in 2022.




17th Coordination Committee Meeting

Webex Online Meeting Room


16th Coordination Committee Meeting

Manila, The Philippines


15th Coordination Committee Meeting

Yogyakarta, Indonesia


14th Coordination Committee Meeting

Tsuruga, Japan


13th Coordination Committee Meeting

IAEA, Austria


12th Coordination Committee Meeting

Daejeon, Korea


11th Coordination Committee Meeting

Ulaanbaatar, Mongol


10th Coordination Committee Meeting

Daejeon, Korea


9th Coordination Committee Meeting

Jakarta, Indonesia


8th Coordination Committee Meeting

Daejeon, Korea


7th Coordination Committee Meeting

Hanoi, Vietnam


6th Coordination Committee Meeting

Abu Dhabi, UAE


5th Coordination Committee Meeting

Beijing, China


4th Coordination Committee Meeting

Goa, India


3rd Coordination Committee Meeting

Goa, India


2nd Coordination Committee Meeting

Hanoi, Vietnam


1st Coordination Committee Meeting

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


IAEA meeting for the preparation of the ANENT establishment

Daejeon, Korea


1. ANENT Establishment

KAERI hosted the IAEA meeting for the preparation of the ANENT establishment in June 2003. 7 Representatives from IAEA, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Korea. ANENT has 21 member countries in Asia and the Pacific region in 2022.

11 Member States in the Asia and Pacific region agreed on and declared the establishment of the ANENT in 2004 at the first Technical Meeting hosted in Malaysia. The founding member countries were China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam. Ms Fatimah Amim, Malaysia Institute of Nuclear Technology Research (current Malaysian Nuclear Agency) was selected as the first ANENT Chairperson, and the first Terms of Reference was approved. The members agreed to work on five group activities and accelerate the cooperation of the newly established network.

2. Initial Stage with the ANENT Web Portal (WP)

The first product and asset was the English-version ANENT Web-Portal (WP). The portal including concept and design was developed by the KAERI before being reviewed by members. Then, the KAERI undertook the launching and the operation of the WP in their server at in April 2005. It provides basic information on the ANENT management and activities, promoting external and internal communication.

“About ANENT” and “Activities” have a lot of information about ANENT objectives, members, structure, and activities, and “Links” show a number of useful websites on nuclear knowledge and science and technology. The registered members can login the “Nuclear Education and Training (NET) Database” which contains more than 900 inputs of data about existing lectures and training courses at each institution. “Meeting and Events” provides a list of related events in the past, present and foreseeable future including archival information.

3. The ANENT Cyber Learning Platform

The “Cyber Learning Platform (CLP)” was designed and developed by the KAERI with the assistance of the IAEA. The CLP was added in the WP to support the users to access various types of educational information and training course materials in August 2006. The registered users can login the CLP and play four roles: learner, lecturer, course manager, and general manager. Each mode has several menus depending on their roles and functions. The CLP contains the learning management system to allow teachers to register, enrol, monitor and evaluate students’ learning.

4. Regional TC Project for supporting web-based education

In 2007, a four-year regional TC project entitled “Supporting web-based nuclear education and training through regional networking (RAS/0/047)” started upon request of Member States in Asia and the Pacific. The project strived to address the increasing needs of nuclear education and training opportunities, resources and new strategies through the ANENT CLP for the national and regional capacity building in the region. A wide range of activities includes e-training, Train the Trainers on the CLP as the tool of e-learning, the contents development by expert missions, procurements and fellowship programmes. The participating Member States recognized benefits brought by the project to their national Human Resources Development in nuclear science and applications.

5. Partnership between IAEA and KAERI to support the ANENT

The first Practical Arrangements were concluded to promote the ANENT web-system jointly by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) and the IAEA in April 2009. KAERI developed and maintained the ANENT WP to promote information exchange and an associated ANENT CLP to facilitate web-based education and training activities as the regional hub in the Asian region. The agreement was the first step toward building the solid foundation of the ANENT web system for sustainable nuclear education and training.

6. Expanded partnership beyond Asia to support ANENT

The Practical Arrangements with ENEN in June 2009 was the second step toward substantive progress to implement training courses and disseminate a variety of information, curricula and materials in the field of nuclear energy and applications. ENEN is a well-known international organisation for its unique and pioneering objectives and activities to develop the expertise in the nuclear field by higher education and training. ENEN has been a collaborating member of the ANENT providing advice and guidance on the ANENT activities at the planning, implementation and review processes.

7. e-Training courses on Energy Planning

KAERI hosted three e-training courses on energy planning using the ANENT CLP in cooperation with the IAEA’s Planning and Economic Studies Section (PESS). KAERI staff served as the site administrator and video conference organizer, and PESS experts provided the training package and the online tutoring.

1. E-training course on “SIMPACT Model for Evaluating External Cost of Health and Environmental Impacts of Nuclear Power and other Energy Options” in November 2007

2. E-training course on “MESSAGE Model for Elaborating Sustainable Energy Strategies” in February 2009

3. E-training course on “Introduction to MESSAGE for Analyzing Nuclear Options in National Energy Mix” in February 2012

8. Development of e-Learning material

Since the e-learning was still new and evolving area for the region, three procurement orders were made to get the proper nuclear disciplines from the existing Master’s Courses. One was the Multimedia on Nuclear Reactor Physics, developed by Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in Spain. The others were the E-Textbook on Nuclear and Ionizing Radiation Technologies, provided by the University Institute of Advanced Studies of Pavia (IUSS Pavia) in Italy (in preparation), and the Multimedia Course on Scientific and Technical Challenges in Nuclear Power Development, developed by the National Research Nuclear University in Russian Federation.

Within the region, the Asian School of Nuclear Medicine, one of the ANENT collaborating member, coordinated and collected about 100 cases from nine countries and develop the e-Book on Nuclear Medicine. Currently the CDs are available through NKM website upon request.

9. Train-the-Trainers courses to disseminate the skill to use of CLP

Train the Trainers (TTT) courses were organized in Vienna in 2008, in Manila in 2009, and in Abu Dhabi in 2009 under the RAS0047. The objective of the TTT was to provide the participants with opportunities to build capacity to get familiarized with the CLP, and to make it sustainable for any users in learning, organizing, and operating e-training courses. Total 80 participants learned various processes from lecture preparation, course establishment, course registration and learning, to post-learning, which was played by four modes as Learner, Lecturer, Course Manager, and General Manager. Several countries such as Indonesia and Syria conducted the national seminars on the CLP.

10. Partnership with Khalifa University in UAE

When the sixth Coordination Meeting was held by the Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research (KUSTAR) in UAE, the intention was expressed to establish a regional hub for web-based education and training. Based on the experience and lessons learned of the ANENT CLP, the new e-Learning Portal was developed and installed at the KUSTAR. In parallel, Practical Arrangements were concluded between the IAEA and KUSTAR to enhance cooperation in education, training and research in nuclear science and technology in September 2010.

11. New Learning Management System installed at KAERI as the regional hub

The significance of the CLP and e-learning activities had been increasingly recognized. However a SWOT analysis showed that many users raised the ageing problem of the CLP system. Thus the IAEA has developed a new Learning Management System (LMS) using an open source, MOODLE software. Like the ANENT CLP, the LMS has the automatic system to allow teachers to enrol, monitor and evaluate students’ learning in each course. Various functions have become easier and simpler to create course contents and navigate by the users.

The LMS was installed at the KAERI during the eighth ANENT Coordination Meeting in December 2011. The KAERI staff serve as the Site Administrator to manage the registration and oversee the whole operation, and the ANENT members play roles as the Course Creators to enrol students and create courses.

At the meeting, the Terms of Reference has been revised in accordance with the circumstance and with a focus of the CLP deployment, utilization and content development. Mr Haditjahyono, National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) was selected as the ANENT Chairperson, and Ms Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Vietnam Atomic Energy Agency (VAEA) was selected as the Vice-Chairperson.

Through the vulnerability test and localization, the LMS was accessible and usable by all participants in the regional course under the new regional TC project RAS0064 in March 2013. In addition, the LMS was remotely used by the participants in the TTT course to conduct e-learning courses on energy planning, which was hosted by BATAN, Indonesia in May 2013.

12. New TC regional project to support nuclear education and training

RAS/0/064 “Supporting Nuclear Education and Training through e-Learning and Other Means of Advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICT)” was launched in 2012 by the request of Member States in Asia and the Pacific. The objective is to enhance the development and sustainability of education and training in nuclear technology and applications, with dissemination through the LMS. The project provided the regional coordinators with an opportunity to access the LMS hosted by the IAEA in Vienna and to use the pilot version of the new e-learning module on Logical Framework Approach (LFA) through the LMS in December 2012.

In 2013, two regional events were held in the region. Firstly the meeting hosted by the KAERI in Daejeon, Republic of Korea, gave the users the successful access to the system, and secondly the TTT hosted by the BATAN in Jakarta, Indonesia proved the access to the LMS. Currently the participating Member States have been encouraged to develop their own e-learning contents and plan the TTT courses to conduct any e-training on the interested area.

13. Cooperation with other regional networks

Building on the positive results of the ANENT, similar regional educational networks were established, i.e. Latin-American Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (LANENT) in the Latin American and Caribbean Region, and the AFRA-Network for Education in Nuclear Science and Technology (AFRA-NEST) in the African Region, both with the support of the IAEA.

These educational networks have been working actively together and with other regional and national educational networks in the world, especially the European Nuclear Education Network Association (ENEN). The educational networks hold joint meetings periodically, to identify and discuss common needs, synergies, and solutions.

During the 57th IAEA General Conference in September 2013, the new Practical Arrangements were concluded with the ENEN to expand partnership and cooperation in these three regions. Additionally the Cooperation Agreements were signed between the three regional networks and the ENEN to pledge the best efforts to implement the Work Plan.

14. Renewed Web-Portal toward the 10th anniversaries

Here the ANENT members welcome your visit to the renewed ANENT Web Portal. You have the opportunity to know more about the ANENT latest activities, management, future prospect as well as the history. In the near future, the integrated database on education and training programme will be newly developed to share the various useful data and facts across the regions. All members look forward to receiving your feedback and comments. Thank you for your interest in the ANENT and support to the activities.


The primary objectives of ANENT are to assist the member countries in building capacity and develop human and scientific infrastructure through co-operation in education, nuclear knowledge management and related research and training in nuclear technology in the Asian region by utilizing the e-learning platform and advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICT) particular through:

Sharing nuclear information and knowledge relevant to nuclear education and training;

Providing expert assistance and review services to members as needed;

Serving as facilitator for communication between ANENT members and other regional and global networks.


The strategy of ANENT rests upon the principles of cooperation and sharing of information and knowledge for capacity building as part of nuclear infrastructure development and better use of available resources. ANENT will strive to:

Integrate available educational resources in synergy with existing nuclear knowledge based networks both within and outside the region;

Promote the utilization of the ANENT E-learning platform for education and training making optimum use of information technology;

Facilitate the experienced nuclear professionals to share their expertise with the younger generation and help attract talented youth to the nuclear profession in view of alternate competing career options.


ANENT is a partnership of the IAEA Member States in the Asia and the Pacific region. A person, officially nominated by the national authority, shall be the ANENT Country Representative and has a function to coordinate the ANENT activities among the ANENT members in the country. The Country Representative shall be the member of the ANENT Coordination Committee.


Any institution which is directly and actively engaged in nuclear education and training in the Asia and the Pacific region may apply for membership to the Country Representative. The ANENT members may be academic institutions, training centres, research institutes, governmental entities and other organizations. A new member is informed to the IAEA ANENT Scientific Secretary and presented to the Coordination Committee meeting.


Any institution which is directly and actively engaged in nuclear education and training in the Asia and the Pacific region may apply for membership to the Country Representative. The ANENT members may be academic institutions, training centres, research institutes, governmental entities and other organizations. A new member is informed to the IAEA ANENT Scientific Secretary and presented to the Coordination Committee meeting.

Application form for ANENT Institutional Membership


Organizations from outside the region or international organizations may contribute to ANENT as collaborating members, by an official letter to the ANENT Scientific Secretary of the IAEA.

Collaborating members


On the operational level, ANENT activities are implemented by some groups of participating institutions under the leadership of the ANENT members, who are appointed by and presented to the Coordination Committee. Currently five Activities are defines.


The ANENT currently has the following 21 member countries


Mr. Rod Dowler

Australia Nuclear Science and Technology Organization(ANSTO)

Locked Bag 2001
Kirrawee DC, NSW 2232, Australia
Tel : +61 2 9717 3934
Fax : +61 2 9717 9057
E-mail :


Mr. Md Zahedul Hassan

Principal Scientific Officer

Information and Communication Technology(ICT)
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission(BAEC)
4, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue
P.O. Box 158, DHAKA 1000
Tel : +880 2 8126590
Fax : +880 2 8130102
E-mail :


Ms. Xiaojing Guo


Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology(INET)
Tsinghua University
Energy Science Building A
Beijing 100084, China
Tel : +86 10 8979 6562
E-mail :


Mr. M. Ramanamurthi

Head, OCES Programme Implementation SectionBhabha Atomic Research Centre(BARC)

Human Resource Development Division, Training School
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre(BARC)
Department of Atomic Energy(DAE)
Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai- 400094 Mahararshtra
Fax : +91 22 2559 4898
Cell : +91 98690 62330
E-mail :


Mr. Sudi Ariyanto


Centre for Education and Training
National Nuclear Energy Agency(BATAN)
Lebak Bulus Raya No.9, Pasar Jumat
P.O. Box 1810 Jks
Tel: +62 21 7659411
Fax: +62 21 7659408
E-mail :


Ms. Hedieh Pazokian

Head of training and post graduate education office

Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI)
Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI)
North Karegar Ave, Tehran, 1439951113, Iran
P.O.Box: 14395-836
Tel: +98 21 88221103, 6


Mr. Saad Muneer Al Mukhtar

Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)

Atomic Energy Affairs Directorate
Nuclear Information and Treaties
3 Al-Jadrya, P.O.Box 0765, BAGHDAD
Tel : +964 1 7762276


Mr. Hiroshi Kato


Nuclear Human Resource Development Center
Japan Atomic Energy Agency(JAEA)
2-4 Shirakata-Shirane Tokai, Naka-gun, IBARAKI 319-1195, JAPAN
Tel : +81-29-282-5444
E-mail :


Mr. Mahmoud Assaf

Director of Information Technology Department

Jordan Atomic Energy Commission(JAEC)
P.O.Box 70, Shafa Badran
11934 AMMAN
Fax : +962 65231017
E-mail :


Ms. Youngmi NAM


Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI)
989-111 Daedeok-daero, Yuseong-gu
DAEJEON 305-353, South Korea
Tel : +82 42 868 2679
Fax : +82 42 861 5018
E-mail :


Ms. Nor Hadzalina Sukarseh

Malaysian Nuclear Agency

43000 Kajang Selangor
Tel: +603 - 8911 2000
Fax: +603-8911 2180


Ms. Rola Bou Khozam

National Council for Scientific Research(CNRS)

Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission(LAEC)
Riad El-Solh 1107
P.O.Box 11-8281
2260 Beirut
Tel : +961 1 450811 (Ext. 100)
Fax : +961 1 450810


Ms. Amartaivan Tsenddavaa

Head, Nuclear Research Center: School of Physics and Electronics

National University of Mongolia
P.O.Box 46-511, Ikh Surguuly, Ulaanbaatar
Tel: +976 11 326707
Fax: +976 11 456348


Dr. Aman-ur-Rehman

Principal Scientist

Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
P.O. Nilore, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone Nos: Mobile +92-336-7353-099
Office : +92-51-2208018
E-mail :


Ms. Ana Elena Conjares

Technology Diffusion Division Chief

Philippine Nuclear Research Institute(PNRI)
Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman
P.O. Box 213, U.P.
1101 Quezon City
Tel : +63 2 9296011
E-mail :


Mr. Nisantha Ranjith Bandara HERATH MUDIYANSELAGE

Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Board(SLAEB)

60-460, Baseline Road
Orugodawatta, Wellampitiya
Tel : +94 112533427
Fax : +94 112533449
E-mail :


Mr. Riad Shweikani

Department of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety

Atomic Energy Commission of Syria(AECS)
P.O.Box 6091, Damascus
Tel : +963 932247720
E-mail :


Mr. Phongphaeth Pengvanich, PhD

Faculty of Engineering

Chulalongkom University
Wangmai, Patumwan
Bangkok 10330 Thailand
E-mail :


Prof. Philip A. Beeley

Programme Manager Nuclear Engineering

Abu Dhabi Campus
Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research(KUSTAR)
P.O. Box 127788, Abu Dhabi
Tel : +971 2 4018011
Fax : +971 2 447 2441
E-mail :


Ms. Thi Ngoc Diep Tran

Vietnam Atomic Energy Agency(VAEA)

Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST)
113 Tran Duy Hung Street, Hanoi
Tel : +84 439413246
Fax : +84 439412970
E-mail :


Mr. Abdulaziz Mohammed

Ahmed Al-Shehari

National Atomic Energy Commission(NATEC)

Records and Nuclear Information Department, Haddah Street
P.O. Box 4620
Tel : +976 1 454 730
Fax : +976 1 454 735

IAEA Fellowship Training Program - KAERI 2019

Published: October 01, 2019

This course is one of the IAEA Fellowship Training Programs, which will be held on in South Korea. The purpose of this course is to create a basic e-learning contents to learners. You also can publish on Youtube, LMS, CD, and everywhere with it. Learning Objectives: • Learners will be able to explain what the e-learning is • Learners will be able to understand the development process of e-learning • Learners will be able to modify a design and publishing • Learners will be able to operate the ANENT LMS with contents.

IAEA Fellowship Training Program - Thailand 2019

Published: May 27, 2019

The objective of this fellowship programme is to strengthen the knowledge and practical skills necessary for the effective use of Learning Management Systems (LMS) to conduct e learning education, and to create interactive and responsive e-learning based educational materials for technical professionals in the area of nuclear science and technology. The duration of fellowship is one month 27 May 2019 - 26 June 2019 for group 1 and 21 October to 15 November for group 2 The first week will be used for providing training to participants to learn skills of creating interactive e-learning courses. The second and third week will be used for converting the training materials available with the participant into interactive e-learning course. The fourth week will be used for uploading the material to the regional learning management system and learn how to use the resources. There are 6 fellows (2 Indonesian, 1 Syrian, 2 Jordanians, 1 Pakistani) for group 1 and 2 fellows (1 Bangladesh and 1 Yemen) from group 1 come to develop e-learning at the Department of nuclear Engineering, faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University.

IAEA Fellowship Training Program - Indonesia 2019

Published: March 29, 2019

course is one of the IAEA Fellowship Training Programs, which will be held on in South Korea. The purpose of this course is to create a basic e-learning contents to learners. You also can publish on Youtube, LMS, CD, and everywhere with it. Learning Objectives: • Learners will be able to explain what the e-learning is • Learners will be able to understand the development process of e-learning • Learners will be able to modify a design and publishing • Learners will be able to operate the ANENT LMS with contents.

Regional Training Course on Train the Trainers Cyber Platform Development and Course Operation - Jul 2008

Published: July 07, 2008

On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains

IAEA Technical Meeting on the Asian Network for Education In Nuclear Technology

Published: September 04, 2006

IAEA Technical Meeting on the Asian Network for Education In Nuclear Technology