The ANENT is working closely with the following collaborating members including two other IAEA-founded regional networks. In September 2013, ANENT concluded the Cooperation Agreement with AFRA-NEST, LANENT and ENEN to strengthen partnership and implement the joint Action Plan

AFRA-Network for Education of Nuclear Science and Technology (AFRA-NEST)

Ghana Atomic Energy Commission
P. O. Box LG80, Legon-Accra, Ghana
Tel : +233-30-2400310
Fax : +233-30-2400807
E-mail :

STAR-NET Regional Network for Education and Training in Nuclear Technology

European Nuclear Education Network

Latin American Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (LANENT)

University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering

Nuclear Technology Education Consurtium

Belgian Nuclear higher Education Network

Korean Atomic Energy Institute

International Nuclear Science Olympiad